In this Project we make Front-end in Next.js and Back-end with MySQL,Node.js + Express Api. The purpose of this project is blogging website user can view post and admin can perform CRUD operation in API.
- Front-end make in the React.js with Bootstrep.
- Back-end make in the Node.js + Express Api.
- Database make in the MySQL.
- multer (for uploading media e.g image)
- jsonwebtoken (for api authentication)
- crypto-js (To encryption the user password)
- nodemon (for auto restart the server)
- cors (for cross origin resource sharing)
- express (for make server)
- mysql (for database connection)
- body-parser (for parsing the body)
- dotenv (for environment variable)
- bcrypt (for password hashing)
- cookie-parser (for parsing the cookie)
- multer (for uploading media e.g image)
- crypto-js (To encryption the user password)