In this blockchain project we can make the webapp in which the stackholder Admin, Manufacturer, Supplier, Distributor, and Retailor are perform the activities. The main objective is traceability,remove counterfeit medicine,& transparency.
- Admin can add the Manufacturer, Supplier, Distributor, and Retailor.
- Admin can disabled the Manufacturer, Supplier, Distributor, and Retailor.
- Manufacturer can request a raw material from Supplier.
- Supplier can send the raw material to Manufacturer.
- Manufacturer can make the medicine and send to Distributor.
- Distributor can send the medicine to Retailor.
- Retailor can sell the medicine to Customer.
- Customer can see the medicine details.
- Customer can see the medicine is original or not.
- Customer can see the medicine is expired or not.
- Customer can see the medicine is verified or not.
- Customer can see the medicine is sold or not.
- Customer can see the medicine is sold by which Retailor.
- Customer can see the medicine is sold by which Distributor.
- Customer can see the medicine is sold by which Manufacturer.
- Customer can see the medicine is sold by which Supplier.
- Customer can see the medicine is sold by which Admin.
- Customer can see the medicine is sold by which Customer.
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js
- Solidity, Ethereum, Ganache, Truffle, Web3.js